TOP 10 my favourite drama (japan,taiwan,korea) =)

drama? sume org tau yg drama are the best (for me actually.) and todaly i will show you my to 10 favourite's. campur sume skali. ade korea, taiwan dan japan skali. :D
okay here it is...'re beautiful

2. it started with a kiss 2

3. boys over flowers

4. hana kimi

5. smile again

6. marry me mary!

7. love or bread

8. dream high

9. playful kiss

10. personal taste

okaylah. bbye. hope you enjoy! wslm! :)

i hate people who think he/she is good!

okay, first skali aku nak ckp laa kn. klo post ni ade terguris hati. tp sy rase sume org pun agree kn? before you're guys will read this, i just wnt to say. tht.. i'm sorry if this is making you're mad. 

sume org nk jd yg terbaik. tp tak sume org terbaik apabila mereka berhenti berusaha. bg saya. saya x suke org yg jenis fikir die tu okay jekk. sume kene ikot telunjuk die. die je betol. die je hebat. sori. saya x suke jenis org canggituh. dan klo korg kte aku pun cmtu gakk. hmm. sy minta maaf laa ek klo sy bersikap gitu. contoh org yg fikir die the bom! :

A : wei, group kite dh okay dh. tp nk buat name ape group?
B : sy tau! kita buat nme happy girls nk?
C : happy girl? hmm. klo wonder girls okay?
B : nk3! amacam? setuju sume?
A,B,C,D,E,H : setuju!!
F : eh. tanak-tanak. saya nk girls great! 
A : weh, kite kn dh setuju nk buat nme wonder girls.
B : ha'ah. tkkn nk tukar kott.
F : ye, nme ni best! okay?
A,B,C,D,E,H : yeeee.. --'

look? org sume kene ikot ckp die. huhh.
so i just want to make this short so,
tolonglah. jgn rase mrh dgn post ni. cume sy nk ckp yg sy tak suke org jenis gitu. jd jgnlah jd org jenis itu. jgn fikir anda yg terbaik dn jgn fikir anda terburuk sbb anda sme je cam sume. ola~  wsslm.

badge belog aku. konon! :D

jangan terkejott. aku buaattt sendiri. okeyh x? hehehe.
badge belog aku kottt--'

Dude vs. Wild - The Desert

haha. kan hari tuh sy ade cite psl trip ke amazon. haha. ni video sesaje. tp ni desert. :D nigaHiga lwk.!

p/s : video ni PARODY man vs.wild


boys over flowers

you're beautiful

hahaha. bored

a TRIP TO THE AMAZON! (teaser)

hacccummmmm! >.< terbersin lakkkkkkk. 
sorry laa ek. just frget about tht. keyhs? HAHA.
the amazon? cehhh. i'm just kidding. okay. change the language. bip-bip-bip.

hai. bahasa melayu jekk. :D

okay, sebenarnya aku gi kampung org asli. lawatan maktab ayah aku. ayah aku pensyarah an. patuh an. ade la lawatan an. ish. start dah mngarut aku ni. haihh. please juz and this nonsense keyhs. aishhiii. okay. lawa tempat tuhhh. ade sungai siap. perghh. lwatan ni sebenarnya nk review org asli. okay. CUT-SHORT. kite lwt org asli. bla2 . keyhs. dh smpai wktu sy mndi sungai ngn Papa. (cewahh.) konon! :P . abah la okay. air sungai boleh thn dlm laaaa. tp tak dlm sgt. dh laa rus lju sket arih tuh. kedudukan aku di dalam air :

agak cemas an.? daa! dh laa pasir agak jerlus kott. (tau pasir jerlus) aku tatau aku eja betolll ke tidakkkk. ehehhehehh. bla3 okeh abih daaa..

p/s : punggung still sakit. jatuh. kt tmpt licin tau jatuh
terduduk>? sakittt dooohhh!


okay. this is interesting! waaaaaaa! an.Jell my dream band. :DD love you! :DD 
LIKE YOU! haha. okay. i'm sorry cause i din't introduce to ya. ;) this is An.JELL
i'ts a band from a drama i like. although it's just a pretend band but i still LOVE it! because all the band member is a singer outside. !!! well, their leader s just a actor but sings really ____________________ . (fill in the blanks if you seen this show) ^_^+

if i fill in the blanks i fill 'sings really GOOD/AWSOME/FANTASTIC/WOW! hahaha. really i mean it. he really good.! give 5 star for it ***** (five<<)
okay let me introduce you all the band members. (4)

- tae kyung
-go mi nyu
-shin woo

okay. 1.
name (real) : jang geun suk
name (in drama) : hwang tae kyung
leader in the group (vocalist)
character (tae kyung in the drama): have good style,bad attitude with people he hate, sometimes rude, neat freak, love music,secretly hiding his feeling. (really) (the last episode he tell the girl he likes her(late) --')

name (real) : jung yong hwa
name (in the drama) : kang shin woo
other member (guitarist + rapper)
character (shin woo int the drama): have good style,gentle,nice,love drinks hot calming tea, love music, secretly hiding his feeling. (but he did'nt get her. poor)

name (real) : lee hong ki
name (in the drama) : kang on yu / jeremy
other member (drummer)
character (jeremy in the drama): cute attitude, the youngest, the happiest, childish, cute smile, good style, love music, secretly hiding his feeling.
(love him so much!!)

name (real) : park shin hye
name (in the drama) : go mi nam/ go mi nyu
other member (keyboardist)
character (go mi nyu in the drama): love bunny, good singer,good style,shy sometimes, clueless, like to help people, (boy) quite, handsome (><) , hiding her feeling to (tae kyung). (she act as a boy and a girl)

Tae Kyung and On Yu are in search of a new member for their idol group, A.N.JELL. However, Mi Nam suffers an injury at the last moment. So Mi Nyu, his twin sister, is asked to step in for her brother. The rest of the drama follows the behind-the-scenes life of an idol group.Tae Kyung and On Yu are in search of a new member for their idol group, A.N.JELL. However, Mi Nam suffers an injury at the last moment. So Mi Nyu, his twin sister, is asked to step in for her brother. The rest of the drama follows the behind-the-scenes life of an idol group.

so that's the story. i like A.N JELL so much! and my blog's music is their songs. you can watch this show and discover a lot more of good song! okay. thanks for reading this.
     shen-shen,kamshamida,aligato khozaimas,Syukran,thank you, terima kasih! 