30 Facts about GIRLS ! (copy-paste)

1. When a girl says she's sad, but she isn't crying, it means she's crying in her heart. 

2. When she ignores you after you've done something wrong, it's best to give her some time to cool down before touching her heart with an apology. 

3. A girl can't find anything to hate about the guy she loves (which 
is why it is so hard for her to 'get over him' after the relationship's over.) 

4. If a girl loves a guy, he will always be on her mind every minute of the day, even though she flirts with other guys. *hahhaa sukak :)

5. When the guy she likes smiles and stares deep into her eyes, she 
will melt. 

6. A girl likes to hear compliments, but usually not sure how to react to them. 

7. When a particular guy flirts with a girl very often, a girl would start thinking the guy likes her. So if you treat a girl just as a friend, go easy on the smiles and stare ok? 

8. If you don't like a girl who likes you, break it to her gently. 

9. If a girl starts avoiding you after you reject her, leave her alone for a while. If you still treat her as a friend, talk to her. 

10. Girls enjoy talking about what they feel. Music, poetry, drawings and writing are ways of expressing themselves (which explains why most girls like writing journals). 

11. Never tell a girl that she is useless in anyway. 

12. Being too serious can turn a girl off. 

13. When the guy she likes calls her for the first time, the girl may act look uninterested during the call. But as soon as the phone is back on the hook, she will whoop with joy and immediately start telephoning her friends to spread the news. 

14. A smile means a lot to a girl. 

15. If you like a girl, try making friends with her first. Let her get to know you. 

16. If a girl says she can't go out with you because she has to study, leave. 

17. But if she still calls you or expect a call from you, stay. 

18. Don't try to guess a girl's feelings. Ask her. 

19. Hearing the words "I love you" is a great reassurance to a girl that she is beautiful. 

20. After a girl falls in love 
with a guy, she'll wonder why she never noticed him before. 

21. When class pictures come out, a girl would first check who is standing next to her crush before actually looking at herself. 

22. A girl's ex-crush will always be in her memory, but the guy she loves now stays in her heart. 

23. Girls love having fun! 

24. A simple 'Hi' can brighten a girl's day. 

25. A girl's best friends usually know best what she is feeling and going through. 

26. Girls hate it when a guy pays attention to them just to get close to their 'prettier' friend. *Trueee!

27. Love means devotion, caring and happiness to a girl, in that order. 

28. Some girls care about looks, some care about brains, but ALL girls want a guy who will love and care for them. 

29. Girls want nothing more than to feel loved. 

30. Girls always hope that they can always remain as friend with their ex. But never know how


Annyonghaseyo. :)
3 P yg ada di atas adalah ape yang aku tengah pikirkan ni. 
  • PENAT?
adoii! memang 3 P laaa! hahaha. tadi aku pegi BANDOR atau name awsome-nya adalah BANDAR!! XD hahaha. atau (jugakkk) dalam bahasa inggeris-nya TOWN ? CITY? VILLAGE??? i'm confused! hahaha. Dictionary ade dalam beg! (malas nk ambikk ahaks!). aku ngan kengkawan gi beli barang untuk HARI GURU nanti. aku 'DYA' ngn 'THIA' <<<<(nama dirahsiakan! tapi dorang GEGE okay! or GIRLS!) sampai ke perpustakaan pukul sembilan. 

(nine o'clock) :D
kiteorg tunggu geng2 lain (wah! geng lain! macam gengster je!) taklah kawan2 (GEGE) lain aku. sambil tunggu kiteorg buat keje skolah! baik kan? ahaks! :D. beberapa minit aku tunggu sampailah juga mereka2 (skema!) dorang. 'IDA' dan 'MIA' dan 'IMA' sampai! haahh! FINALLY! =_=' . kiteorg wat keje2 skolah patu gi keluar untuk beli hadiah untuk HARI GURU. aduhhh! pening jalan2 sekeliling TOWN temerloh ni! klo dapat bawak kete kan best? hehehe. SORRY! takde lesen agi ok!!! :DD
korang tau tak??? (mesti korang jawab tak kan? kalau tau tuu STALKER laa tu) takdelah. korg bukan STALKER! NO!!! :DD kan? heee. penat dowh aku jalan nk kena angkat barang agi patu kena balut pada hari yg sama plak tuu! adoi! penat! plus pening.! maklumlah.. semakin lama semakin panas cuaca kan? um, atau aku je rase panas? entahlahh. :D 

PENGSAN??? tak aku takk PENGSAN. kwan aku pon tak PENGSAN! tp rase jee nak pengsan! kaylahhh! aku nak bla SEE YOU GUYS (GEGE) LATER eh! :DD

p/s : aku tolong sket je balut hadiah :)

Big Time Rush Boyfriend Full New Song + Lyrics




okay hari ni aku nk cite pasal Btr AKA Big time rush! their like OMG (oh! my goat?) so awsome yaww!hihihi suke kamu laa!! okay. kumpulan ni terdiri daripada :

Korg memang DEBOMM laa. memang AWSOME YAww. HIHiiii. sukeeee gile dorg! lagu blake2 best. ni aku ade lagu terbaru dorg iaitu boyfriend .. ( nanti laa aku pOST EH.. ) kayyyy! BYE!

P/s : AF 9! semart!!! :DDDDDD

leesya wink wink ;)

hello yaww. cuti datang and komputer depan mata! hahahaha. SELAMAT HARI PEKERJA! yaaww! 


Starting to be a KOREAN and ANIME freak

hai kak, abang, pak cik, mak cik, nenek, atok and so on,..
ASSALAMMUALAIKUM. :DD annyonghaseyo and Kon'nichiwa :DD. 

okay lahh aku hari ni sangat-sangat tensen ngan kwn aku and ade larh sebabnye tp aku maseh gatal-gatal tangan nak tulis for my blog tersayang kan BLOGGY?? heee. ok aku skang ni selalu pegi ke ANIMECRAZY an, banyak aku tengok anime yg DEBOMM! gitu. ahaks! aku memang suke ANIME yg funny and cute. banyak-banyak part of ANIME aku suke yang part bile anime tu jadi 'chibi' hihi. CUTEE SANAD-SANAD. hehe. aku TAK suke tengok ANIME yg.. boring! tak suke. kat luar sane banyak sangat anime dan bermacam-macam lagi . yang CUTE, SWEET and FUNNY. heee

KOREAN plak! OMK!(oh mak kau!)aku sukeeee sangattt. tolonglah!! aku suke sangat korea. esh! boleh jadi gileee tau! okay lah aku nk blah dah..tu je lah aku nak kte. hehe. malas laa.

p/s : akan study dengan kawan ;)
sape kate aku malas sangat?? heee

is my header awsome???

Annyonhaseyo! :D

so, aku tukar header baru aku and,.. aku rase ummm, bolehlah! . ;)aku skang ni tgh mencari idea untuk buat header baru and lagi ngehhhh~! :D soooooooooooooo, byeeeeeeee. tu je lah aku nk citee

p/s : colourful header ! i like!

hello,hello, (menyanyi lagu hello - shinee.) hua3. aku skang ni tgh boring gile-gile so aku nak meroyan (bahasa temerloh) yuhhhuuu. aku sedang boring. aku sudah boring. aku memang boring. KITA BAKO JE! KITA BAKO! hua3. lawak2! so, aku skang ni tgh giat men FB and soo on. laa kan. aku macm OMK!(oh mak kau) aku terjumpe Fb org korea. :D. and D****! bukan dia okay. aku jumpe org yg betoi2 korea. dia kawan kepada kawan fb aku. aku mcm... nk add ke tanak nk add ke tanak so, aku wat keputusan... aku TAK ADD! huuu. tapelah. suatu hari nnti aku dpt gi MEKAH! and korea. hu~ hong-ki sshi.! hua3. so, aku baru belaja cmne nk ckp korea... and i think i ROCK at that! haha. tadelarh. aku guro jeee. tp aku phm laa sket2 korea. aliesya-songsaegnim! annyongHaseyo! hua3 hebat ark? 

okay. sebab aku ni pemalas ;) hua3. aku nk stop tulis skang. bbye! wish ya happy-friendly-awsome day! bbye. 

p/s : aku ni pemalas sangat ke? ;)


aku tatau nape aku dah jadi addicted ngn tulisan COURIER ni. bagi aku tulisan ni semart dowh. bagi aku lah. bagi org len tatau lagi an. hua3. :D. so mesti korg dh tau dh kn umo aku an. judging by pics aku arh kn. so aku malas nak gtau umo aku. LU PIKIR LAH SENDIRI! so, every sekolah mesti ade sukan an. tak kira lah sukan ape, tapi memang ade lah. wajib koot! maybe! hua3. tahun ni un sekolah aku ade sukan. :)

of course, bagi org yg agak lazy mcm aku ni ;) mesti aku ckp somethin' mcm ni "eh, mls lah nk sukan!!" kan? well, anda betol! memang aku pemalas. tp bukan gila-gila malas. mala sikit-sikit je. im a good girl. :). okay. back to topic! aku memang kte aku mls nk sukan,tp nk tanak kene bersukan gak an. so? just live with it! huhu. tp lama-kelamaan aku start addicted ke sukan-menyukan ni. is that even a word? hua3. aku memang dah start addicted ngn sukan ni. aku nk britahu kn! nk crite yg aku ni brsemangat gile-gile aku bersorak punye kuat smpai mlm pd hari yg aku besorak tuh aku SAKIT TEKAK.

sedeh aku. klo korg bace post aku yg sebelum niyh an. ala~ pasal dream high tuuuu. aku ade crite aku sakit tekak gak an. ha~ smpai skang aku masih SAKIT TEKAK! waktu aku tulis post ni pu aku maseh SAKIT TEKAK!

korg tauuu. nasib bek aku makan strepsil! thanks strepsil! :D hua3. okay. aku crite bebyk ni aku blom ag crite aku rumah aku warna ape. okay rumah aku warne hiau + oren. hua3. tu rumah aku. :D . aku maksudkan rumah SUKAN aku lahhh. :D . aku buat lawak tade responds. huhu. tak dapat masuk raja lawak musim ke 6. hua3. guro2. hehe. rumah sukan aku rumah KUNING

kuning! yehhhh! okaylah. byk lagi aku nk cite. tp sebab aku ni pemalas ;) aku mallllllllllllllllassssssssssssss. nk tulis. so, bbye!! 

p/s : kakak aku, syahmi nadia. kita sme team! yeh
hua3. and lutut aku berdarah seba terjatuh waktu berlatih 
sukan. sebab aku ni pemalas nk lari ;)


ehemm,ehem. (check sound walaupun bile korg bace ni bukan korg boleh dengar suare aku punn an? an.an.an.)

maaflah. sejak kebelakangan ni aku asyik sakit tekak je. kejap okay, kejap tak okay. AKU TAK PAHAM BETOI LAH! haha. aku rinduuu Belog aku. sian. mesti belog aku un rindu kt aku. kan bloggi? hoho. isya sayyyanggg bloggi <3. eeww. men sayang-menyayang lakk. huh. ape lah. ehem, ehem lagi.. :D

salanghabnida! aku tak tau lah betol ke tak ejaan jepun oppss! joesonghabnida! korea lah! apalah aku ni. yang minat jepun tu die. lah die ;). haha. siapakah die? ho3.:)misteri yang belum diketahui. tade lah. die tu sebenarnya kwn aku. name? eh maaf! tkleh  gtau name die. but, jangan silap eh. she's a girl! haha.
apa2 pun aku nak cerita kat korg ni. dengarlarh eh. okay!
CE CITE! CE CITE! haha. ce telling us. telling us? hah! tu larh. TAK AMBIK ENGLISH EDUCATION! hahaha. spe yang paham ni paham2 je larh. klo yg tak paham tuh. tgk dan layannn! ha3

eh, eh! aku ni suka gelak je. kang mengigau kang! hah. amek! hoho!. :D. why exactly i' off topic??? haihh. arasso2! skang ni ce korg bace tajuk pot aku kali ni. ce bace, ce bace! he3.. bacelarh!... see? tajuk post aku ialah 'DREAM HIGH! SALANGHABNIDA!' yang bermaksud .. DREAM HIGH! aku cintakan kamu.! yes! memang aku cintakan dream high ebab cite dye.. one word! best korean show ever! eheh? that's 4 word. watevah! aklo korg tgk post-post aku sblum niyh aku ade cite. CE CITE2! hehhh! senyaplarh ko! haha. okay. aku an ade buat post yang menunjukkan top 10 my favourite drama kan? haah. no 8 ialah DREAM HIGH! okay. sebenarnya mmg bg saya dream high tu no 8 tp pa aku tgk bebanyak kali aku start minat and minat sampai aku jadi gile!! well, gilekan DREAM HIGH! ade something spesel larh ttg cite tu. and sume pelakon punye suare perghhh! mmg KAW-KAW!

aku suka dorg dohh. aku rase nak je nk masuk dalam komputer tu. :D. oh! sukenya korea! :D. tp tak larh over ngat an. tp mmg bet larh cite tu. okay larh. saya nk gi tgk tv! and lepas tu study! bbye.! muahhh! and nk kte one thing ag. KITE BAKO JE! KITE BAKO! ahahaha! lawak tol!

p/s : haha. :) air asam jawa! strepilS! here i
come! dream high season two. wait 4 meee! :D

TOP 10 my favourite drama (japan,taiwan,korea) =)

drama? sume org tau yg drama are the best (for me actually.) and todaly i will show you my to 10 favourite's. campur sume skali. ade korea, taiwan dan japan skali. :D
okay here it is...

1.you're beautiful

2. it started with a kiss 2

3. boys over flowers

4. hana kimi

5. smile again

6. marry me mary!

7. love or bread

8. dream high

9. playful kiss

10. personal taste

okaylah. bbye. hope you enjoy! wslm! :)